Blood… A healthy living body cannot operate without blood. If you look carefully at the business of contracting, the service agreement acts as the “blood” in our customer retention and marketing strategy by forming deep, lasting customer relationships.
Let’s define the “service agreement” as a paid in advance (yearly/monthly) agreement to provide future work. This can be a precision tune-up (PTU), or possibly some form of extra insurance, such as parts and labor full coverage. We will define the various products and options a bit later as there are many variables and paths to success. The agreement, the connection, the brand promise, allows us to stay in touch with our clients, build fences around them, and get paid while doing so. The agreement also connects us to the future replacement opportunity.
The “service agreement” represents the single greatest marketing opportunity in contracting, and yet, some contractors have not bought-in or fully adopted the strategy, failing to see the connections between service agreements and profitability and maintaining positive cash flow during shoulder seasons.
To quote the great Ron Smith in his book, HVAC Spells Wealth, “The road to prosperity is paved with Service Agreements.” Why does Ron state this? Simple, it’s accurate, as service agreements create options for us as contractors. The puzzling aspect is that service agreements have been around since the 1950’s, yet new generations of leaders still have not adopted them as a strategy for sustained success for fear of labor usage.
The most important premise is service agreements are not just a technical product, but instead the main bridge in our marketing strategy to BUILD relationships with the clients. Existing clients spend 67% more money on products and services due to the trust created in that existing relationship. The service agreement provides a company the opportunity to build client experiences that are positive in a non-crisis situation instead of a volatile demand service call where the emotional wellbeing of the client is under serious stress.
We were fortunate in the 1990’s to be able to study the top 45 companies in the consolidation model to determine why they were producing over 20% pretax operating profitability (after paying a general manager wage). And the single key performance indicator that emerged? All 45 companies had over 1000 service agreements per one-million in sales (demand service + maintenance + replacement), and the top 20 of those 45, with closer to 25% earnings, were at 1500 agreements per million residentially.
Clearly, this high-performing group had learned to sell agreements, but more to the point, they had learned to communicate with their clients — discussing accessories, replacement equipment seeds were planted, while general service recommendations of a suggested repair were all trusted at a higher level due to the relationship built over time by the service agreement. Trust is the intersection of credibility and likeability, and the engine driving that trust is the service agreement.
This is the cornerstone of what makes the service agreement so impactful, since we provide a great value to the client, and at the same time have a chance to communicate with them about our company store.
Many companies have been successful marketing service agreements. They all share a basic common high-level theme: They have a philosophy, a true culture, to market and sell service agreements, and they measure and incent for performance. It’s a part of their DNA.
It becomes part of the daily metrics, the ritual, the reporting and is never far away from a value structure of customer experience.
Various Types of Service Agreements:
The next consideration is what kind of products or services will you offer?
In the residential markets, examples are:
In the commercial markets, examples are:
All these products can be adapted, and these are simply some of the many options of what the industry has offered. Aligning the pricing, selling strategy, and marketing comes next and needs to be communicated to your company teams.
Strategies in Selling/Marketing Service Agreements:
The marketing and pricing of service agreements is a key element in developing a service agreement culture and success in your company.
You need internal marketing to train your team and staff. It starts internally with these areas as examples:
The fundamentals are listed above, and they MUST be executed well. You should craft your company service agreement club solutions in these fundamental areas and present the approach to the employees.
Here are some additional marketing thoughts for service agreements.
External Marketing Ideas
Financial Success:
Financially, service agreements are one of the most dynamic and healthy ways to improve your profitability and cash flow in the shoulder seasons. We can, for example, sell units and accessories to our club members in targeted, over-10-years-old agreements with promotions.
A few financial key performance measures to keep in mind:
In a brief summary such as this, the financial metrics can be hard to detail, but certainly these are high level KPI’s that we know are very attainable and yield the best results for replacements, accessory sales, and IAQ opportunities including cross-marketing other verticals.
In the end, the Service Agreement is our best approach to marketing, creating better retention, more replacement leads, and an opportunity to sell and make money in shoulder seasons. Adopt them into your DNA, make it cultural, and begin focusing on the club agreement process. Your company will be more valuable to you – and to a buyer, if you ever decide to sell.